Interact with Live chat (Whatsapp /Messenger)

Happy customer service chatWhat factors can a business easily introduce to boost revues, raise customer satisfaction ratings and all without breaking the bank? You might be surprised to learn that Live Chat ticks all three boxes.

Statistical data overwhelmingly show that customers experience greater satisfaction from using live chat than any other channel, except live phone support – and that gap is closing quickly as chat technology gets more exciting and better.

In fact, businesses that do not deploy this technology in some form are losing out. Mobile users, especially, expect to see it available on a website and may quickly go elsewhere if it’s not available.

Live chat is a simple tool that delivers remarkable results

Live chat outshines email and social media (Facebook etc.). Zendesk reported 91% satisfaction for phone support, 85% for live chat, 82% for email, 81% for Twitter and 74% for Facebook.

Live chat also boosts conversion rates. Some sources claim by as much as 40% with orders from repeat customers zooming by 60%. It’s obvious why.

A Forrester report reckoned that Live Chat reduces abandoned carts because purchasers can ask questions on the spot. Purchasers who engage Live Chat are 1.8 times more likely to buy.

Build your brand by developing relationships through Live Chat

Live chat work because customers get instant answers to their queries without having to lift the phone and make a call. Perfect for our busy lifestyles.

Superb customer service makes customers happy and nurtures relationships with them. Impressing customers with not only with satisfactory delivery but also excellent communications leaves them with a warm feeling about your brand. Who do you think will be in the forefront of their minds when it comes to buying again?

Whatsapp messenger customer chatUsing WhatsApp and Messenger for Live Chat – entry level options

You don’t have to invest in expensive chat tools – the ones that pop up in a user’s screen. Many smaller businesses depend on WhatsApp and Messenger to integrate Live Chat capability for zero cost.

How to maximize customer benefit from live chat

Here are 3 simple rules of thumb for getting the most from live chat:

  • Limit simultaneous chat sessions to a maximum of two per support person unless they request more. That balances quality with cost-effectiveness. Some transactional sessions can run to higher ratios, as many as 6 or 7 in rare cases.
  • Be responsive. Resourcing your support agents is critical for successful Live Chat. Smart chatbots can be used at busy times or in peak load scenarios, to handle initial queries until a human agent becomes available.
  • Personalise the experience so that the caller feels comfortable and in good hands. Ensure agents can quickly transfer a session to a more knowledgeable or senior staff member when the need arises.

Where to begin?

There is a baffling range of Live Chat services available and it’s important to choose one that is a good match for your business, your call volumes, availability and resources. A quick discussion with an expert will steer you in the right direction and help you avoid silly pitfalls.

Speak with us today, Click here to set the ball rolling.

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