What if your website isn’t mobile optimised?

CHECKAWESOMEAs you may already know? Over 60% of all web traffic is now done via a mobile device, with the rising popularity of smart phones and tablets this is only going to increase. As of the 21st of April, Google have decided to give those who make the effort to be more mobile friendly preference over those who don’t! Which means if your website isn’t properly optimised your search ranking may suffer as will your visitors.

Optimising your site for mobile, does not just mean making it work on a phone. It’s a strict set of rules to achieve a better mobile website experience for the end user. If your website is over 2 years old, there is a very good chance that it is not properly optimised.

Enter your website address, and check if your site is awesome

Dont worry! If your site doesn’t pass the test, get in touch and we will help you get your awesome back!

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