If the current pandemic has taught us anything, it’s the need to adapt and that is particularly true when it comes to local e-commerce. It’s especially important for local businesses to ensure they have an online presence as a way of increasing sales but now, more than ever before, they have had to change how they work.
Whether you are a restaurant, a coffee shop or a local brewery, your website is now vital because it is your gateway to customers. So, if your premises have been forced to close then using your website to continue to sell is an important strategy to take but how can you continue to offer a top service without being able to deal with customers in person?
Ensure Your Website is Accessible
First and foremost, without being physically open, you need to ensure your business is still visible and accessible and that is where your website comes in. You need to ensure that you can offer your products in a way that makes them simple for your customers to see. So, clearly explaining what you are offering will ensure they understand what’s available to them. So, you might be a bakery offering a reduced range of products and so, they need to know about that, or you might be a clothing store that can still take orders as usual. Whatever the reason, you need to make sure that people can get what they want.
Place a Focus on Customer Service
Ensuring you continue to provide a top service is especially important. Your customers are going to need assistance with certain things that you would usually handle in-store and that means that you are going to need to ensure you’re there for them. Whether they contact you by email, through social media or even whatsapp, you have to make sure that you are there for them. Meeting their needs and providing the information they need will deliver satisfaction and keep customers loyal.
Provide Delivery or Click and Collect Services
Making your products available will mean broadening your horizon somewhat because that’s what’s required at this moment in time and even beyond the pandemic. Therefore, if you didn’t offer delivery previously then it’s time to do that because you reach new customers who might not have the ability to get to your store. What’s more, it provides convenience and that’s what people are looking for. You can also offer click and collect, allowing you to prepare your products and orders in advance, providing an organised way to run your business.
The pandemic has taught us to change how we live and that’s the same for businesses. While some businesses might have thought that the changes were short-term changes, they have allowed businesses to evolve and explore new ways of growing. These are options that many business owners might not have been willing to try but they have now understood the advantage of offering something different. Essentially, local e-commerce is not just about providing a physical service to customers because more people are now looking to do things online, even on a local level.