Tablet and Mobile ready websites

The Importance of Making Sure Your Website is optimised for Tablets and Mobile Phones

Last week when I was with a client talking about document control and how to change a font size when editing a certain piece of software, I said I can find out the answer by putting the query into a search engine on my smartphone and hopefully the answer will present itself. On the first page I came across on the search listings, a website answered the query exactly and I was able to navigate straight to solution by tapping on the link on my phone. Imagine my disappointment when the website came up displaying text that had overlaid itself on top of other words and the whole page was totally unreadable.

There were no other pages or websites that could answer the query, so I was forced to say to my client if her tablet could try and navigate to the web address and see if we could access the information more clearly in that fashion. Our disappointment was compounded once more when her tablet displayed the website as a jumble of words that were totally illegible as characters we desperately wanted to read were obliterated by ads, other text and in some cases images which made the whole experience a failure.

No doubt if I was to go back to the office and check the website out on my PC it would have displayed correctly but on a mobile phone or a tablet it was useless. Since smartphones stormed on to the market in 2008 and tablets started to overtake sales of PCs and desktops, more and more of us are now browsing websites and content on the internet via our mobile devices. People are no longer running their internet businesses at the office on PCs and desktops but going down to the coffee shops and Wi-Fi supported outlets like the local library or bistro bar and getting out their tablets.

It has been estimated that 30 percent of all traffic on the internet is now accessed via mobile devices like mobile smartphones or tablets. This figure is expected to rise to around 70 percent by 2015. This is why it is so important now to optimize your website so that it is mobile and tablet ready. Failure to do this can result in a loss of potential customers and make browsing your website a nightmare.

This is why off the peg design code all our websites to be both cross browser and device friendly. Meaning your website will look great no matter what type of device your customers view it on.

We can also bring your old website up to date should you just need to improve compatibility by making your tablet and mobile phone ready

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