For some months now, many marketers have been on the search for changes to the platform after word actually got out that the company was considering increasing the character limit to 10 ,000. Some people squabbled that a change of that magnitude could potentially cause Twitter to lose something that sets it aside from other social networks. However, this information emphatically reveals Twitter’s commitment to the 140 characters, as well as a commitment to giving users more accessibility and flexibility; which implies more opportunities for marketers to conveniently reach their audience.
Check out a full list of the changes
- Replies: While replying to a Tweet, @names will no more count towards the 140 character count. This will make having dialogues on Twitter easier and simpler, forget about penny-pinching your words to ensure they get through to the whole group.
- Retweet and Quote Tweet on your own: We will be activating the Retweet button on your own Tweets, in order for you to conveniently Retweet or Quote Tweet on your own whenever you wish to share a new thought or feel like an extremely good one went unnoticed.
- Media attachments: While you add attachments like GIFs, photos, videos, Quote Tweets or polls, that media are no longer able to count as characters within your Tweet. More space for words.
- Goodbye@: These changes will help shorten the rules around Tweets that begin with a username. However, new tweets that start with a username will make it to all your followers. This means that you will no more need to use the “@” convention, which most people presently use to broadcast Tweets broadly. If you want a reply to be viewed by all your followers, it will be possible for you to Retweet it to indicate that you intend for it to be seen more broadly.
Let’s take a dive into How new changes to twitter will improve social marketing.
- Being able to say just a little bit more.
Presently, tweets with links have a character limit of 117 while Twitter automatically changes links to 23 characters. For tweets with just photos, that limit is 118. For tweets which contain an image and a link, the character limit is 95. If this change takes place, that means that marketers will have 23 to 45 more characters to create a persuasive message.
- More space for sharing visuals.
Visuals are increasingly becoming necessary for social media marketing. In actual fact, 71% of marketers use visual assets in their social media marketing, in accordance with Social Media Examiner 2015 Social Media Marketing Industry Report. Live streaming, images, and videos add new dimension to your tweets and taking out images from the character limit equation will make it much easier for marketers to incorporate more visuals in their tweets.
- Better live event coverage.
Regardless of whether you are hosting a live Twitter chat for your brand or live tweeting at an industry event, you must be quick on your feet. And if you are making use of links and photos to support what you are seeing or the thoughts you are trying to get across, the additional character space can take a few of the pressure off.
- Marketers and brands could possibly find a new audience.
For those marketers and brands whose have yet to grab hold of Twitter, this change could make it a bit easier to add the platform social media marketing mix. Once more, having the additional space to increase your message requires some of the pressure off and gives you the chance to make an effort with what is best suited for your brand.