Does your website create the right Impression?

Your website is the window to your business. It is the place that potential customers go to determine whether you have what they are looking for. It sounds quite simple but there is one factor that could be the difference between success and failure -the impression your website makes on your visitors.

It takes 0.05 seconds for a visitor to decide if your website is right for them. Therefore, in a short space of time, you have to make the right impression and then continue to make visitors want to use and navigate around your website.

At this point, you need to understand that your website can be the downfall of your business but fortunately, it is simple to put right. All it takes is the right level of design and the confidence of your customers will increase to the point where they believe in your business.

So, what creates the right impression and how do you capture the imagination of your visitors?


Visitors that come to your website want to feel as though it has been created for them. They have come here for a reason and so, you need to provide them with the content that they want. The right content will grab their attention and leave a mark on your potential customers.


Visitors want an easy ride. They want to be able to visit your website and find exactly what they are looking for in a matter of seconds. They don’t want to have to sift through masses of texts to find that snippet of information that is valuable to them. Therefore, the design has to be right in every possible way. Content has to be positioned correctly, images have to be subtle and not too overpowering while the colours have to be easy on the eye.

Website UX User Navigation


Customers love to feel in control when they arrive at your website. It is 2018 and we live in an age where people want things right here, right now. As a result of this, once they begin navigating around your website, they want to be able to find that product they came for or find more information about that service you offer. All of this should be accessible in a few clicks. Visitors should not be made to feel as though they have work for what they want and this is where smart, innovative design can make a real difference. If you streamline your navigation, you will instantly make your visitors happy and once they find what they want, you can be sure that they will go ahead and make a purchase.

The importance of professional design

If you want your business to succeed, it is vital that you consider what aspects of your website need to improve. Creating a first impression is all about providing visitors with a feeling that you are right for them. If they love your website, the design, the content and the ease at which it can be used, they will have confidence in you. That in itself will lead to an increase in business and sales.

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