Cross browser checking is an essential part of all web design these days. With so many different browsers available it is very important to make sure your site looks the same across  all platforms.  Over the years we have found that this stage of development is often neglected or even worse forgotten altogether.

We have often been asked to redesign sites that have suddenly stopped working properly. Only to find that it was due to poorly coded incompatible code. What might look great in one browser may look terrible in another.  Complete cross compatibility can be a mind field especially when you are trying to deploy modern code on old machines.

In recent years there has huge developments in both web design and the browsers used to view it.
We find that the following web browser have become the most popular
Internet Explorer / Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome and Safari

So as part of our design practices we insure that our code works properly in all 4, including backwards compatability checks all the way back to Internet Explorer 7 (which is now over 6 years old). We also make a point of checking them on all leading mobile phone and tablet browsers to ensure that sites get seen properly no matter what they are browsed from.

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