Search Engine Optimisation and Promotional Marketing

Search Engine OptimisationPay Per Click.
Paid search marketing is the fastest way to get your website noticed. You only pay per qualified user click, not for impressions. However to really make this work you need to test, track and tweak the settings to optimize the maximum return

What we do?
We take the time to analyze your competition check for keywords adjust the landing pages to achieve the best results.

We are happy to create custom pay per click campaign’s for you, from as little as £300 per month

Organic search engine optimization.

Over the last 10 years we have gained a wealth of experience when it comes to organic search engine optimization across many business sectors. We have managed to achieve page 1 results for many of our clients and dramatically increased traffic over time

Instant Search engine Optimisation Packages

One off payment £199
Keyword Research, On page site optimisation, level 1 backlink building

One off payment £399
Keyword Research, On page site optimisation, level 2 backlink building,
Including, Press releases, and blog artciles

One off payment £599
Keyword Research, On page site optimisation level 3 backlink building,
Including Press releases, Blog artciles, Social media links

One off payment £499 + £199pm
Keyword research + On page site optermistion + Level 2 backlink building + Level 2 article marketing
This method of SEO is a fantastic way of achieving and maintaining high ranked results.

What we do?
We take a close look at content and make sure it is highly optimized for the relevant terms you are looking to get a good ranking with, then we set out to build back links and from relevant websites and blogs.

Social Network building?

Social network building has become an essential tool for us all and is a fantastic way to build brand awareness and trust.

Custom facebook or twitter pages?

We can custom design you a facebook page to match your website, or identify your company / service / brand

What we do?
We build customised facebook / twitter profile pages and promote them for you

Email Marketing
Sending an email is the one of the most effective ways to communicate with your customer / client base.  Sending personalized targeted messages is a great way of building your branding, extending offers and gaining essential client feedback

What we do?
Email marketing does not mean spamming! We use effective strategies to ensure the information reaches the right people without it ending up in the junk mail box. Planning your campaign usually starts with building a mailing list. We then go on to create targeted vibrant emails to catch the eye of your potential readers.

Social Marketing.

What we do?
What better way is there than to spread news and information about your company via word of mouth? The fact that most of the internet population are connected too some kind of social network, it has now become an essential marketing tool.
We start by either creating or analyzing your facebook / twitter pages to see how we can improve interactivity.  Helping make sure both your social network pages are linked perfectly to your other internet pages.  We can then go further by creating activity to help keep your friends and followers engaged

We have been in the business of helping business for 10years, we are happy to offer our consultancy services. We can help you setup payment gateways, telecom services, sms and email marketing, print design and distribution.

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